A set of custom messages to control the validation behavior. This is useful if you need async validation for one of the fields.
This message is used to indicate that the validation is skipped and Conform should use the previous result instead.
This message is used to indicate that the validation is not defined and Conform should fallback to server validation.
Here is a signup form example which validates if the email is unique.
1import type { Intent } from '@conform-to/react';
2import { useForm } from '@conform-to/react';
3import { parseWithZod, conformZodMessage } from '@conform-to/zod';
4import { z } from 'zod';
6// Instead of sharing a schema, prepare a schema creator
7function createSchema(
8 // The `intent` will be provided by the `parseWithZod` helper
9 intent: Intent | null,
10 options?: {
11 isEmailUnique: (email: string) => Promise<boolean>;
12 },
13) {
14 return z
15 .object({
16 email: z
17 .string()
18 .email()
19 // Pipe the schema so it runs only if the email is valid
20 .pipe(
21 z.string().superRefine((email, ctx) => {
22 const isValidatingEmail =
23 intent === null ||
24 (intent.type === 'validate' && === 'email');
26 if (!isValidatingEmail) {
27 ctx.addIssue({
28 code: 'custom',
29 message: conformZodMessage.VALIDATION_SKIPPED,
30 });
31 return;
32 }
34 if (typeof options?.isEmailUnique !== 'function') {
35 ctx.addIssue({
36 code: 'custom',
37 message: conformZodMessage.VALIDATION_UNDEFINED,
38 fatal: true,
39 });
40 return;
41 }
43 return options.isEmailUnique(email).then((isUnique) => {
44 if (!isUnique) {
45 ctx.addIssue({
46 code: 'custom',
47 message: 'Email is already used',
48 });
49 }
50 });
51 }),
52 ),
53 })
54 .and(
55 z
56 .object({
57 password: z.string({ required_error: 'Password is required' }),
58 confirmPassword: z.string({
59 required_error: 'Confirm password is required',
60 }),
61 })
62 .refine((data) => data.password === data.confirmPassword, {
63 message: 'Password does not match',
64 path: ['confirmPassword'],
65 }),
66 );
69export async function action({ request }) {
70 const formData = await request.formData();
71 const submission = await parseWithZod(formData, {
72 schema: (intent) =>
73 // create the zod schema based on the intent
74 createSchema(intent, {
75 isEmailUnique(email) {
76 // query from your database
77 },
78 }),
79 async: true,
80 });
82 if (submission.status !== 'success') {
83 return submission.reply();
84 }
86 // ...
89export default function Signup() {
90 const lastResult = useActionData();
91 const [form, fields] = useForm({
92 lastResult,
93 onValidate({ formData }) {
94 return parseWithZod(formData, {
95 // Create the schema without `isEmailUnique` defined
96 schema: (intent) => createSchema(intent),
97 });
98 },
99 });
101 // ...