Zod Schema / coerceFormValue


A helper that enhances the schema with extra preprocessing steps to strip empty value and coerce form value to the expected type.

const enhancedSchema = coerceFormValue(schema, options);

The following rules will be applied by default:

  1. If the value is an empty string / file, pass undefined to the schema
  2. If the schema is z.number(), trim the value and cast it with the Number constructor
  3. If the schema is z.boolean(), treat the value as true if it equals to on (Browser default value of a checkbox / radio button)
  4. If the schema is z.date(), cast the value with the Date constructor
  5. If the schema is z.bigint(), trim the value and cast it with the BigInt constructor



The zod schema to be enhanced.


Optional. Set it if you want to override the default behavior.


Optional. Use it to define custom coercion for a specific schema.


import { parseWithZod, unstable_coerceFormValue as coerceFormValue } from '@conform-to/zod';
import { useForm } from '@conform-to/react';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { jsonSchema } from './jsonSchema';

const schema = coerceFormValue(
    ref: z.string()
    date: z.date(),
    amount: z.number(),
    confirm: z.boolean(),

function Example() {
  const [form, fields] = useForm({
    onValidate({ formData }) {
      return parseWithZod(formData, {
        defaultTypeCoercion: false,

  // ...


Override default behavior

You can override the default coercion by specifying the defaultCoercion mapping in the options.

const schema = coerceFormValue(
    // ...
    defaultCoercion: {
      // Trim the value for all string-based fields
      // e.g. `z.string()`, `z.number()` or `z.boolean()`
      string: (value) => {
        if (typeof value !== 'string') {
          return value;

        const result = value.trim();

        // Treat it as `undefined` if the value is empty
        if (result === '') {
          return undefined;

        return result;

      // Override the default coercion with `z.number()`
      number: (value) => {
        // Pass the value as is if it's not a string
        if (typeof value !== 'string') {
          return value;

        // Trim and remove commas before casting it to number
        return Number(value.trim().replace(/,/g, ''));

      // Disable coercion for `z.boolean()`
      boolean: false,

Default values

coerceFormValue will always strip empty values to undefined. If you need a default value, use .transform() to define a fallback value that will be returned instead.

const schema = z.object({
  foo: z.string().optional(), // string | undefined
  bar: z
    .transform((value) => value ?? ''), // string
  baz: z
    .transform((value) => value ?? null), // string | null

Define custom coercion

You can customize coercion for a specific schema by setting the customize option.

import {
  unstable_coerceFormValue as coerceFormValue,
} from '@conform-to/zod';
import { useForm } from '@conform-to/react';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { json } from './schema';

const metadata = z.object({
  number: z.number(),
  confirmed: z.boolean(),

const schema = coerceFormValue(
    ref: z.string(),
    customize(type) {
      // Customize how the `metadata` field value is coerced
      if (type === metadata) {
        return (value) => {
          if (typeof value !== 'string') {
            return value;

          // Parse the value as JSON
          return JSON.parse(value);

      // Return `null` to keep the default behavior
      return null;